«Borgenheim takes Basel-Stadt: The Last Straw» opens in Basel June 13th. Concurrently, the gallery announces its bittersweet, but inevitable relocation to Switzerland. This is the Last Straw.

As we, alongside many other influential Norwegian enterprises and individuals, prepare for this Swiss gambit, Borgenheim Rosenhoff wants to assure our valued patrons, partners, and artists that our commitment to showcasing boundary breaking contemporary art remains unwavering. Our new location in Basel, and planned relocation to Zug (for reasons related to logistics), will provide an enhanced platform to curate exhibitions, host engaging events and collaborate with talent to create meaningful and thought-provoking experiences. NOR has for long been infertile ground for radical indulgence in The Arts, but recent, worsening circumstances serves as the Last Straw.


Et krevende valg er tatt. NOK,- er NOK,-!

Ciao, adiós, au revoir, Auf Wiedersehen, arrivederci, До свидания, tot ziens, 再⻅,do widzenia, مع السلامة, hoşça kal, selamat tinggal, kwaheri, 안녕히 계세요, hejdå!